Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Our Recent Endeavors!

This mouth watering picture is of some of our travels.

My wonderful wife has been on the hunt for vegan restaurants for us  to visit. She's found a few. Most are winners, a few... meh...

In Nashville, TN, visit AVO to have lunch and definately order the Kimchi Spring Rolls. Also the Chocolate Cheese Cake was really good.

In Jacksonville, FL, definitely visit Southern Roots Filling Station

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Haven't posted in a while

I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I have not been cooking. I plan to make a shift in the near future, so I can begin posting again.

My apologies to any and all of my followers, I will do better. May not be weekly, but every now and again I will post something. Even if I do not have pictures to go with it.

Thank you for bearing with me.

James King
The Vegan Potato

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Veggie Loaf!

1 medium sweet potato and several carrots shredded. A medium onion chopped and several cloves of garlic minced.

1 can of kidney beans. Chopped collards, and 1 cup of quinoa. A handful of chopped walnuts and a handful of chopped pecans.

About 2 cups of ground flax and chia seeds, and a handful of almonds ground. I added enough veggie broth to make it sticky.

I mixed it all together, then added cumin, salt and pepper and some nutritional yeast.

I cooked 2 loaves for 60 minutes at 350 F covered with tin foil then uncovered, I bumped the heat to 400 for 15 min.

Turned out pretty good!

Once I decide on my favorite gravy recipe, I'll make this with some mashed potatoes and gravy!


Calorie Density by Dillon Holmes @ Well Your World

I recently stumbled across the YouTube channel Well Your World. I must admit, there is a lot of great content, but my favorite video by far, is the one posted below on Calorie Density.

Dillon Holmes teaches a SOS (salt, oil, sugar) free way of cooking. While he sometimes uses Miso, or something similar, that has salt in it, I have yet to see him add SOS to any recipe he has made.

While I am not personally SOS free, I do make meals from time to time that are. Dillon's Vlog has everything I could want and more. I have made several things, to include "cheese" sauce and quiona veggie cheese bake. They were very good and I will post pictures and recipes of how I did my version.

Dillon makes and sells a dried cheese sauce and mushroom sauce on his website

I highly recommend his YouTube Channel as well as his website and the Facebook Group.

Check him out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

French Toast

I started with 5 slices of bread and cut on the diagonal.

I then took 1/4 cup of egg replacement and a cup of Almond Milk.

Add 1 1/2 tsp of cinnamon

3 tbsp of maple syrup

1/4 tsp salt

Mix until combined.

Dredge the bread in the mixture and place in pan warmed over medium high heat.

I cooked until brown on each side.

Slice some bananas and sprinkle all with cinnamon.

Drizzle with maple syrup and enjoy!

I had mine with a cup of coffee.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Triple Greens

I Cheated a bit. Went to Wal-Mart. Bought a bag of collard, turnip, and mustard green mix. Pre chopped and ready to rock and roll. I washed anyhow.

Started with veggie broth and soy sauce. Got that boiling, then added my greens. Let them wilt a bit then added maple syrup.

We have a garlic herbed vinaigrette and I used a little of that, also some roasted garlic piwder, and nutritional yeast. Pecan liquid smoke, and fresh ground pepper rounded out the flavor. Turned out awesome!!

My wife said "I love when you cook greens. It always smells amazing!" Side note... She's not vegan...or vegetarian.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Butternut Squash with Pesto and a Side of Mushrooms

This is a show stopper. It was REALLY good and easy to make. Butternut mixed with kale pesto with a side of sauteed mushrooms!

The Butternut Squash was made with a sprializer and simply peeled and spiralized and sauteed in vegan butter then mixed with Kale Pesto.

The kale pesto was made with kale, toasted walnuts, nutritional yeast, a little miso and some olive oil.

The Mushrooms are sauteed with vegan butter and garlic.

Made for a VERY yummy meal!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Roasted Carrots, Chickpeas!

Carrots chickpeas and parsley.

Coat carrots and chickpeas with 1 - 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil and mix well.

Place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Mix 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp chili powder, 1/2 tsp paprika , salt and pepper. Add enough red pepper flakes to your liking

Sprinkle mixture on carrots and chickpeas. Roast for 15 min at 425 F. Remove from oven and mix well. Roast for another 15 min.

While that is in the oven roasting, mix the juice of 1 lemon with 2 - 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Using a whisk, mix well.

Sprinkle over carrots and chickpeas and top with parsley!

Can you say YUM!?!?

Friday, January 11, 2019

Tofu and Taters

This meal was suggested by my wife.

It is Vegan Butter, garlic and sliced potatoes sauteed until tender.

A little dry white wine, and fire roasted tomatoes. Salt, pepper and paprika.

Baked Tofu Lemon and Parsley.

The recipe I was following called for cod fish, but since I'm Vegan, I used Tofu! It turned out really good!

My wife and I scarfed this down in no time flat!

Check out the picture below.

Blackened Tofu Bowl

Quinoa pilaf and arugula with apples, shredded carrots, and chickpeas. Topped with blackened tofu and drizzled with creamy garlic-nutritiona...